Online Certification Course
Treating people in a complete and integrated way
Gain knowledge and learn methods and tools to act on all the processes involved in care, change and health in an integrated way
Join the 2025 Cohort - Registration Now Open!

4-month ONLINE Course
Become a
Certified Integrative Sciences Professional (CISP)!Â
The need for an integrated approach
In recent years, research in various areas has clearly shown important correlations between all the systems that regulate health and behaviour; for example, an inflammatory state can always be observed (often in a cause-effect vicious circle) in presence of various issues such as anxiety, depression, dermatitis, intolerances, etc.
Headaches, chronic pain and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – just to list some examples – are among the most difficult problems to manage and tackle without an integrative approach that addresses the emotional, mental, self-awareness, physical (such as activation, joint release, physiological recovery), nutritional and anti-inflammatory spheres too.
Human experience always involves all systems, at all levels: from the reactions that occur in a cell, through to the nervous system and to the most complex behaviours.
That is why a comprehensive, inclusive and integrative approach needs to be developed.
When a person opens the door and walks into your study, they always do so with a specific problem to tackle and with a number of other issues or factors that cause it or, at the very least, support it.
This could be physical or emotional pain, a state of anxiety, trauma, an allergy or a debilitating illness...
They may have a specific cause in mind, but our job is to see the whole picture.
Example 1
To help an anxious person, for example, it is essential to analyse and act various levels: their brain might be overexcited by social networks, they may lack certainty and predictable perspectives, perhaps they feel trapped in their body- which is more often the cause rather than the consequence of these situations, they may engage in pro-inflammatory and dysfunctional nutrition, have to account for epigenetics, allostatic load and more.

Example 2
Even what might seem like a ‘simple’ sprained ankle is always linked to a significant, if not even traumatic, emotional event. Emotional memories stay active in the background if not resolved, feeding off each-other’s pain and inflammation. Negatively dwelling on it after an accident can alter identity and the body map; athletic competitions may become relational conflict and so on.
Discover all Integrative Sciences' METHODOLOGIES and TECHNIQUES:

Expand your reach
Develop an even more comprehensive and integrated approach to care and change.
Learn new tools, frameworks, guidelines, and techniques that seamlessly integrate with your current method or that can be used independently.
Design and actively lead change, well-being, and development processes with a well-structured and effective method.
This graph shows the Switch Map (you will learn about it in the master’s course, along with other practical methodologies).
These levels provide a way to analyse and then work on all the systems involved:
- Links between Mental-Postural-Motor Flows
- Brain Networks’ emotional and affective processes
- Circadian rhythms, physical activity and other basic adjustments
- Inflammation and psychosomatic issues
- Epigenetics for profound change
- The 3 levels of Neural Plasticity
- Nutrition and Metabolism of Mental and Body Processes
- Bowel - Microbiome – Brain Axis
- Primary social patterns and Evolutionary Relationships
- and much more

Discover a new way to look at patients
Identify all different processes at play and intervene in a targeted way with techniques, advice and strategies that complete and enhance your usual way of working.


INTRODUCTION – Necessary integration
- The complexity of human workings: from cellular responses to thoughts, to the most sophisticated behaviour
- Innovation and the latest scientific reinterpretations that change care and change perspectivesÂ
- Some widely accepted theoretical concepts and models, that in reality need revision
- Current systemic aggravating factors: social, cultural, technological, environmental dysfunctions and more
- Everything is connected: thoughts, movements, identities, emotions, microbiome, immune system, etc. are inseparable
- The huge resources of modern sciences: multiple opportunities for analysis and operative access routes
- A first interoceptive test to understand the various connections
- Stress responses: an updated scientific reinterpretation of the 3 (and more) stress axes that integrate thoughts, nervous system, and immune system
- Emotions and adaptation systems: rethinking traditional models to achieve a complete and multi-dimensional view
- Print out plans, practical models, tables, and other tools to use in your own work
- Develop a multi-system, inclusive, and integrative vision and intervention process
- Develop an effective and flexible working method

Aiming for flexibility and development
Switch 1 - part 1
- Introduction to group 1 Switches
- The 3 levels of neural plasticity
- Inside the cell: the origins of physical and mental energy
- Optimized Breathing Technique to develop better cellular oxygen utilization, bringing more energy, mental clarity, motivation and self-regulation to anxious states or other adaptation processes
- Inside the cell 2: about the epigenetics of health, disease, and change and how it works
- High Intensity for Short Periods (HISP) exercises to promote epigenetic change, create vitality and increase the effectiveness of any other intervention for change (increasing the chances of shifting epigenetic "bookmarks" relating to the activation and regulation of inflammation, stress, emotions, etc.)
- How to support and enhance epigenetic processes to promote change, learning, and mental flexibility
- Inter-cellular plasticity: memory, flexibility and the ability to overcome resistance to change (analysed in their various implications, from daily life to specific pathologies)
- Inter-cellular Plasticity and enriched environments
- Extra-cellular Plasticity, its relevance and effects at every level
- Long-step test to understand body flexibility and its implications on emotions, identity, and thought
Returning to physiological state to recover physical and mental energy
Switch 1 - part 2
- The importance of every breath: Energy and Oxygen (...and carbon dioxide), how they work, and how to make them work optimally
- Crossed-Cycles Breathing Technique
- Energy metabolism: how to increase available energy (both mental and physical)
- Physical activity, lifestyle and health: suggestions and specific neurobiological advantages (with related emotional and cognitive implications)
- Circadian rhythms, internal and external clocks, Chronobiology
- Exercise with the Circadian Rhythms Chart
- Managing interfering factors (e.g., blue lights, endocrine disruptors, etc.)
- Practical guidelines regarding schedules, sleep-wake cycles, daily habits, etc.
- The central role of nutrition in supporting and promoting basic physiology, metabolism, and plasticity
- How our body works
- Energy metabolism and the various metabolic pathways of the body
- Initial practical guidelines on nutritional style and habits

Mind-body relations in health and pathology
Switch 2 - part 1
- Modern scientific psychosomatics: the bi-directional and multi-factor relationship between mind and body
- An integrative multi-disciplinary approach: the principle of Minimum Free Energy
- Stress and emotion muscle chains
- Dysfunctional Synergies that obstruct movements, posture, and emotions
- Rethinking Homeostasis and Allostasis: two well-known concepts whose understanding has changed radically in recent years
- Allostatic Load: the price to pay for conditions of hyper-adaptation and chronic stress
- Measuring allostatic load
- Emotional Buffer Technique
- Reboot Techniques (to terminate adaptation responses)
- Practical suggestions and precautions to apply to daily life, physical activity, and notes regarding activities (specific sports, oriental disciplines, meditation, etc.) that can intervene on the process in question
The key role of inflammation in every dysfunction or problem
Switch 2 - part 2
- Chronic Inflammation: What it is and why it is central to change
- Mapping inflammatory processes in their complexity: Mental and Physical Pain, Mood and Cognitive Alterations, etc.
- The connection between Emotions, Trauma, and Inflammation
- The central role of the Immune System in response to emotions, stress, and trauma
- Acute and Chronic Inflammation at the heart of all pathological processes
- Neuro-inflammation, Anxiety, Stress, and Behavioural Disorders
- Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
- Nutrition that supports or counteracts inflammatory processes
- Pro-inflammatory Foods
- Practical Guidelines and Nutritional Habits to consider

Networks & Hubs: behaviour and emotion control centres
Switch 3 - part 1
- Rethinking Emotions, Adaptation, and Development from an integrated perspective
- It all starts with Perception and Sensations (and they can often be distorted)
- Neuro-Hacking Techniques to restore “untainted” perceptions
- From Allostasis to Predictions (both conscious and non-conscious)
- The cycles of Prediction, Interoception, Correction at the core of emotion and behaviour
- Reboot Techniques for more accurate initial assessments
- Integration between physical and emotional sensations technique
Networks & Hubs: behaviour and emotion control centres II
Switch 3 - part 2
- Introduction to Networks and Hubs: the control centres of emotions and behaviour
- The key role of the Body in assessing Risk and Resources (even when the body seems to play no role)
- The Switch between Networks that saves our lives
- How the brain evaluates and manages Danger and Resources (Default, Salience, and Executive Networks)
- Self-Assessment Exercise: how do I move between the 3 networks?
- Resource Balance Techniques
- Practical guidelines, strategies to apply in everyday life, balancing the activation times of different networks, types of training, sports, writing, painting, theatre, musical instruments, etc., that act on these processes
Predictability and Uncertainty between personal adaptation and development processes
Switch 3 - part 3
- Uncertainty and Unpredictability: two key elements underlying choices, relationships, and emotional experiences
- Networks that analyse the Environment, Goals, and Self-Image
- The central role of Action Plan Flexibility
- Working on Expectations
- Modular Thinking Technique
- Self-Assessment Exercise II: Awareness and Development
2 Transversal Exercises
Switch 3 - part 4
- NB: the two exercises in this section are very effective and work across all the previous modules
- Postural Self-Assessment Exercise
- Vagal Reset Technique
- Variations and In-depth Analysis
The brain (but also the body) is a prediction engine
Switch 3 - part 5
- Predictions in all adaptation and development processes
- The difference between 'Predictions' and 'Forecasts'
- Predictions are also interoceptive
- The struggle between (incorrect) Predictions and the Perception of objective data (i.e. the neural reason why it's difficult to remain anchored to the here and now)
- An Evolutionary and Advantageous Mechanism, which often turns into a disadvantage and pathology
- Sensing the Boundaries of Perception Exercises
- How to use other exercises from the master’s course to work on predictions
The Microbiome, health and behaviour
Switch 3 - part 6
- The concept of Metabolic Switch at the basis of change
- The crucial role of the Gut Microbiome
- What is the microbiome?
- Functions of the microbiome
- The concept of Eubiosis and Dysbiosis
- The relationship between the Microbiome and the Brain
- Gut-Microbiome-Brain Axis
- How to restore the microbiome

Evolutionary relationships, Primary Social and Interpresonal Systems
Switch 4 - part 1
- Introduction to Area 4 Switches
- Rethinking Touch and Physical Contact entirely
- Attachment dynamics re-evaluated in light of Epigenetics, Stress, Trauma, and behavioural Neuroscience
- Changing perspective on Attachment: Detachment
- Training to Distance oneself from people or things to regain Mastery and Self-Regulation power
- Parallel Worlds Technique (full version + variations)
Timing, Relationships and Aggression
Switch 4 - part 2
- We have been designed and built to Interact in Real Time
- The importance of Synchrony in Interpersonal Emotional Regulation
- Deep emotional-relational dynamics: Trust, Cooperation, Challenge, Conflict, etc.
- The link between Interpersonal Security Systems and the Immune System
- The Facing Technique
- Emotion Modulation Technique
- The constructive importance of Aggression: modulating anger and other emotions
- The 3 Circuits of Aggression: intra-species (social regulation), extra-species (survival), when combined with pain
- Returning the 3 circuits to proper functioning
- Practical guidelines, strategies to apply in everyday life, use of personal and interpersonal Timings, different Interaction Styles, analogies with the animal world, Group Activities, sports or artistic, that are aligned with the new dynamics, readings, and movies on the theme
At the heart of needs and motivations
Switch 4 - part 3
- Ancestral Needs: a model that integrates and develops all other models
- Neurobiological and ethological origins of needs and motivations
- Psychosomatic Dynamics when needs are satisfied or denied
- 3 Starting Questions
- Exercise with video analysis
- Detailed analysis of the 6 need areas
- How to create space and balance to recreate Motivation and positive Relationships, and avoid Somatizations
- Operational insights
Nutrition and Metabolism
Switch 4 - part 4
- Nutrition in History
- The key role of Insulin in Change processes
- Insulin Resistance and Hyperglycaemia - A widespread problem
- The crucial role of Vitamin D3
- Functions of vitamin D3
- How to supplement Vitamin D3: the scientific research

Getting everything Flowing optimally and naturally 
(General Flow + Mental Flows)
Switch 5 - part 1
- Introduction to Area 5 Switches
- The concept of Flows (Behavioural, Relational, and Communicative, Postural, etc.): what they are and how they help us maximize processes of change, care, and development
- When things don't Flow: Impediments, Inhibitions, Hyper- or Hypo activations, and other dysfunctions that prevent an idea, a behaviour or an emotion from Flowing freely
- Observing Flows with a specific worksheet
- Connecting Flows and Ancestral Needs
- Two exercises to practice Observing Flows and giving them meaning
- Creative Flows: improving the ability to Self-Judge with real-time Feedback, Mirrors (in session), and Videos (recorded specifically or using those made spontaneously, e.g. for social networks)
- Creative Flows: knowing how to Change your mind vs. Thought Rigidity
- Placebo and Nocebo Effect, mechanisms to work on in session and in everyday life
- How and why to use Imagination in synergy with other Flows
- The Turn your Mind Technique to make thought flexible and perfect the ability to voluntarily focus on a theme
Physical Flows: posture & movements with their related connections with other Flows
Switch 5 - part 2
- Movement and Posture Flows
- Freedom of Movement = Emotional and Mental Freedom
- Analysis of a Practical Case Study (complete example of work on body Flows)
- Practical Insights to train for work with body Flows
- The physiology of Emotional Movement
- Emotions and Posture
- Test: the Direction of Movements (with implications on a sense of efficacy, mastery, and emotional experiences)
- In-depth study of Rotational Movements and Physiology
- Connections between Movement, Feeling of Effectiveness, Emotions, HRV, ECG
- In-depth study of HRV and overall health
- The Fascia: the connecting tissue
- Myofascial Release (with mental and emotional impacts)
- The Breathing Extremes Technique
- The Isometric Emotions Technique
- Psychosomatic Stretching
- Interpersonal Accommodation
- Practical guidelines, strategies to apply in everyday life, habits and routines, body care, activities (specific sports, disciplines, writing, painting, theatre, musical instruments, etc.) that can promote processes in these switches
Nutrition as a lifestyle
Switch 5 - part 3
- The various Metabolic Pathways of the body
- How to effect the Metabolic Switch
- Meal-Fasting Phases: what happens in the body when we eat and when we don't
- The Ketogenic lifestyle: what it is and how to do it
- The central role of ketones
- Brain and Ketones
- Sugar and the brain
- Energy Metabolism of the Brain
- The Cholesterol myth
- The various aspects and applications of Fasting
- Physical Activity, ketones, and fasting
Online individual practice sessions
All the switches
- Hands-on experience with all techniques
- Individual exercises to experience the effects and mechanisms of different tools and techniques firsthand
- Partner exercises to learn how to present and conduct different exercises effectively
- Analysis of practical case studies and concrete applications
- Personalized feedback
- Moments of getting to know each other and in-depth exploration

Natalie Evans - psychologist, psychotherapist, mindfulness instructor, EMDR practitioner, Master of Applied Integrative Sciences
“The training offered by Sara and Fabio through the Hub and Master's course is based on solid scientific foundations and provides us health workers with a 360° view of the patient's condition and how to intervene to support change. The doctor, the holistic operator, the psychotherapist, the physiotherapist will benefit from useful tools to integrate with their approach. During the master's degree we were constantly followed up; the icing on the cake is being part of a multidisciplinary community of experts who compare, collaborate and grow together.”

Glen White - Physiotherapist and Osteopath, Certified Mindfulness Instructor, Master of Applied Integrative Sciences
“An extremely interesting training course, based on the most current scientific evidence, which provides an organized and, above all, practical intervention model, which can be implemented and tested immediately. Fabio and Sara have the gift of being able to convey complex topics with enthusiasm, competence and clarity, making them accessible and applicable in very different professional fields, thus underlining the importance of always taking into account the complexity of the responses of the entire human being. A journey of surprising discovery within the infinite facets of life.”
Who is the Professional Master in Applied Integrative Sciences for?
The course in Applied Integrative Sciences addresses cross-cutting topics that are useful in any field in which health, change, well-being and development are relevant.
- These aspects are addressed in a focused but flexible way. They can be applied in different contexts of health and care, education or skill and competence building.Â
- This programme is a certification process that distils a working methodology that you can integrate into a variety of professional contexts.
- Typical participants are psychologists and psychotherapists, coaches and counsellors, physicians, physiotherapists and osteopaths, as well as other care and development professionals.
- All references and models are presented in such a way that they can be used regardless of prior knowledge.
- The methods, models and techniques learned can be used as a stand-alone approach or in integration and synergy with one's own theoretical models and reference techniques, each within one's own professional field.

Become a certified professional
Become a certified Expert in Applied Integrative Sciences and become qualified to use the Method.
Learn the sum of different disciplines and research areas, gain many tools and techniques, always keeping the focus on what works in practice.
Perfectly complement your way of working with updated scientific information, interpretation across multiple levels, always knowing where and how to intervene.

Can I apply for CPD/CEU/CCE points?
Our Master's program is specifically designed for professionals from various disciplines around the world. With the existence of several hundred professional associations worldwide, each with its own set of rules for Continuing Education Units (CEU), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and Continuing Coach Education (CCE) points, achieving universal accreditation is an impractical goal. However, we have found that the vast majority of these numerous organizations recognize and accept our coursework for their respective credit systems.
Upon successful completion of a course, students will be able to download a certificate from their account. This certificate specifically outlines the clock hours typically required for course completion. These 80 hours include a variety of activities, including watching instructional videos, completing labs, practicing techniques, analyzing tools and methodologies, and spending time studying.
It's important to understand that the clock hours listed on the certificate do not translate to points on a 1:1 basis. The actual conversion of hours to points may vary depending on the rules of your specific professional association. We encourage you to submit your certificate to your professional association to claim the appropriate CEU/CPD/CCE points.

We are members of and meet the highest standards of top level associations and institutions such as:

1) Online pre-recorded lessons
In summary: you see them whenever you want, as many times as you want + can ask questions or make comments
The course is composed of various modules of online lessons, which will be released in progression (typically every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the duration of the specific module) starting from the course's start date. These are recorded lessons that you can watch at your convenience and as many times as you want.
Below each lesson, there is a comments section where you can ask questions, engage in discussion, and interact with both the instructors and other participants.
This way, you can learn gradually and absorb the concepts better, as well as try out the different techniques and methods presented.
If you want, you can use the online platform to share your ideas, discuss and collaborate online with your peers and with Fabio at any time.
2) Individual Mentoring for a Tailored Learning ExperienceÂ
To ensure you get the most out of this course, three individual mentoring sessions (20 minutes each) are included in your enrollment fee. These sessions provide personalized guidance, helping you deepen your understanding, refine your application of techniques, and clarify any doubts.
How It Works:
âś” Three 20-minute 1:1 sessions included in your enrollment
âś” We recommend spacing them out throughout the course for maximum benefit
âś” Sessions must be used within one year from the course start date
From our experience, these three sessions are more than enough to fully grasp and apply the course content effectively. However, if you need further guidance—especially for case supervision after completing the course—you can book additional sessions separately. These post-course sessions can also be longer than 20 minutes, depending on your needs.
This structure ensures you receive the right support exactly when you need it—whether during the course or later when applying what you've learned in real cases.
Duration and Commitment
The online programme lasts 4 months. The weekly workload is manageable even for those who work long hours. If you're unable to follow regularly, it will still be possible to catch up later.
Students should plan on roughly a minimum 1-2 hour weekly commitment. This time includes watching the video lectures and practicing the exercises. If you like to practice and want to gain a higher level of mastery of the different tools, you can reserve up to 3-4 hours a week.
We recommend following the schedule to maximise the learning process. Anyway, this is ultimately a self-paced programme and you will be able to learn at your own convenience. In other words, there are no limits on how or when you digest the information.
You will be eligible for your Integrative Sciences Practitioner Certification once you have
- Watched the recordings of all modules and sessions
- Attended or watched the recordings of the online group sessions
- Written a short case study (4 - 5 pages) in which you have applied the knowledge and techniques that you have learnt during the course.
DATE 2025
Course start date:Â
the first online module will be accessible the week commencing 15th January 2025
Sign me up!Your trainers

Dr. Fabio Sinibaldi, PsyD, MBPsS
With an international career spanning more than 20 years, he is the founder of the Association for Integrative Sciences.
Fabio is an expert in Applied Neuroscience and PsychoNeuroEndocrineImmunology, which he combines with an evolutionary and ethological point of view.
Working as a clinician, researcher and trainer, he is the developer of Integrative Sciences, the Switch Model, Integrative Functional Patterns and all the techniques you will learn in this course.
He is a lecturer at post-graduate schools for psychotherapy and counselling and gives seminars for universities and institutions in various countries. Fabio is a regular speaker at national and international conferences and is the author of many successful books and articles, including:

Dr. Sara Achilli, B.Sc. Nutrition
Co-founder and Vice President of the Association for Integrative Sciences.
She is an expert in nutrition and well-being, focusing on how food and physical activity affect health, emotional responses, mood and cognitive abilities.
She created, elaborated and developed the Metabolic-Emotional Switch model to address the inflammatory state of the gut and brain, and the energy metabolism of mind-body efficiency.
She researches and evaluates the interactions between nutrition, cellular and inflammatory responses, pain response, emotional regulation and behaviour.
Author of several books and articles, including:
Develop a Scientific Integrated Perspective and Inclusive Practice
Today, modern science and the integration of different disciplines allow us to gain a clear understanding of the different processes underlying: habits, stress reactions, chronic pain, adaptation, emotional responses, affection, relational dynamics and different psychosomatic processes.
Integrative Sciences have for years created dialogue and found points of contact between numerous sciences, areas of research and care and development practices, highlighting the central processes underlying health and change.
In the Master’s course you will learn:
all this information, organized in a STRUCTURED MODEL, and a series of INTERVENTION STRATEGIES and SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES.
Thanks to the practical approach and exercises, it will be easy to correctly frame which areas to investigate and then intervene, which factors to work on, knowing how to choose the most targeted and effective tools and techniques in each instance.

The missing piece of the puzzle
Even when everything has been done in the best way possible, symptoms often do not go away or significant change is not noted.
So-called resistance to change can be emotional and mental, but it can also be part of the therapeutic process: it is essential to find the missing piece of the puzzle, the element on which to intervene first of all, so that everything else can be maximally effective.
With the Switch and the Functional Integrative Patterns models it is possible to map all elements at play and identify where the obstruction is.


Nora Walker -Neuropsychologist, constructivist cognitive psychotherapist
“An excellent training experience in terms of both professional and personal growth. The Master's course combines a solid scientific background with practical, useful and effective techniques. Fabio and Sara manage to explain even the most complex elements clearly and offer a welcoming 'environment' that is open to discussion. The richness of the perspective offered lies precisely in the possibility - as the name of the Master's suggests - of integrating contributions from different disciplines with the aim of putting the individual in their complexity at the centre. An absolutely recommended course!”

Karter Reid – Psychomotor therapist, infant massage teacher
“A lot of content is made available for those involved in treatment, care and education, in a short time. This is expertly chosen and well-measured so as to be effective on multiple levels. The topics presented with competence, passion and kindness provide a solid foundation for an integrative approach with operational and practical ideas, applicable from the very first meetings.
Thanks to the emphasis on experiential aspects, real change takes place during the Master's course. Gradually, in a continuous and gradual way, everything fits together, integrates and harmonizes like a beautiful mosaic that can be decorated and embellished thanks to the HUB's modules and meetings. Thanks Sara, thanks Fabio”

Dominic Clarke - Business e Team Coach, ICF and AICP accredited
“In my work as a coach, helping and supporting all those who want to achieve a goal, I have always believed that it was not enough to follow the standard coaching routes, though obviously certified, to be as effective as possible. I have always believed in mind-body integration and this is why my approach is as integrated as possible. In this sense, I have found, and always find, the courses proposed by Fabio and Sara to be of great support and help. They get to the heart of why we do certain things and not others.”
Tools to share
Lots of figures, diagrams and tables to share with our patient/client.
Useful for: clearer explanations, collecting data in a simple way, engaging and interacting with the other person, reasoning together, having the global scheme at hand and keeping everything in mind, noticing connections.

SIGN UPÂ to the
in Applied Integrative Sciences
– 50 % SALE
Until April 7!
After this date the Master’s course will be accessible at 890 €)
490 €Â
(=~ $536Â USD / ÂŁ421 GBP)
for the Master’s Course
+ 90€ HUB Subscription (if not already a member) providing additional online courses and benefits
There are different ways to sign up, choose the one that suits your needs from below.Â